Introducing The Kitty Kaster!
** The Kitty Kaster 2-Piece has arrived. When assembled it is the exact same size and weight of the normal Kitty Kaster but much cheaper to ship.
**Also USPS now has 'Ground Advantage' which allows shipping the 1 piece Kaster for around 15$ which is a more affordable way to ship the original toy! Thanks USPS!

The Kitty Kaster 2-Piece. The Purrfect toy for your Fur babies!

The Kitty Kaster is Great Exercise!
Cat’s, like humans need exercise. They need a way to expend their energy and satisfy their desire to hunt.
The Kitty Kaster is a fantastic avenue of exercise for any cat especially indoor kitties who dont get to run and play outside. It satiates kitty’s desire to hunt and gives them a sense of satisfaction every time they catch it.
Oh yeah, it’s also extremely entertaining to watch them play! (look how graceful Roxy is!)
The Kitty Kaster is a 39 inch long wand type fishing pole cat toy made entirely from high quality materials such as Fiberglass, Metal, and Wood. it is a 100% SAFE toy for kitties Claws and Teeth. Unlike most cheaper toys with metal connectors and lure pieces there’s nothing to catch on kitties claws or teeth or bite down on. It has a 34 inch long soft nylon based line attached with a thick denim target at the end. It’s designed for maximum control and built to last. The Kitty Kaster’s simplistic design means there aren’t a lot of parts to break. This is not a cheap plastic toy. Being longer and stronger than most toys, at over 6 feet from target to handle end it gives your kitties the distance and space they need to really play (just make sure you have enough room for them to let loose!).
Head over to the About The Kitty Kaster page for a more informative background about this awesome cat toy exerciser. Also see the FAQ page for more detailed info about the Kaster! If you need more convincing also check out the Testimonials page!

String and Target Double pack
Planning to buy 2x String and Target packs? Wana help the environment a bit? This is Two String and Targets in 1 bag (this cuts down on the number bags being thrown away after you’re done using them).

Original Kitty Kaster
This is the original Kitty Kaster. 39 Inches long with 36 inch string and target ready to exercise your kitty! An exact recreation of the original Kitty Tease.

Replacement String and Target Pack
It’s always good to have a spare string and target pack handy! Simply tie it on the end of your Kaster and you’re ready to go!
(Each pack contains 1- 34 inch line and 1 target pre-tied)

'Just Strings' 3 pack
Some kitties LOVE to chew on string, if you have one of those they may have already eaten through your line yet your denim target is in great shape, here’s a 3 pack replacement of pre-cut 38 inch strings that you can use with your existing denim target.
(Each pack contains 3 – 38 inch lines. These will be about 35-36 inches long after you tie them to the target and pole, which is the same length that originally comes tied to the Kaster)